Cleaning systems

Surge cleaning system

Batch size1.200 x 850 x 950 mm (L x W x H)
Bath volume15.000 l
Bath temperature60 °C
Heating waterNatural gas burner
Drying temperature120 °C

After the batch has entered the cleaning system, the doors close and the cleaning process begins. Pumps convey the water into flood boxes which “rain” the water evenly onto the batch.

After cleaning, dripping takes place. In addition, the batch is dried by air flow through radial fans. Optionally, the air can be heated electrically by screw-in heating elements.

Oil separator with oil skimmer

Bath dimensions1.450 x 1.500 x 900 mm
Bath volume350 l
Bath ingredientsDetergents, floating oils, etc.

The oil separator can achieve a separation rate of over 90% depending on the surfactant-oil mixture and the retention time. Due to the optimized design and replaceable cassettes, maintenance and cleaning can be carried out easily and quickly.

Multi-chamber cleaning system

Batch size600 x 500 x 600 mm (L x W x H)
Bath volume2 x 1.700 l
Bath temperature80 °C
HeatingHeat exchanger

After the batch has entered the cleaning system, the doors close and the cleaning process begins. Pumps deliver the water into flood boxes which “rain” the water evenly onto the batch.

Salt purification plant

Batch sizeSmall components
Bath volume2 x 2,000 liters
Bath temperature50 °C

Small components are conveyed to the chambers of the cleaning system via conveyor belts. Additional spray pipes clean the components on the conveyor belts. An oscillating conveyor with heating elements dries the components after the cleaning process.

Cleaning system for baskets

Batch size750 x 750 x 150 mm (L x W x H)
Bath volume3 x 1,700 liters
Bath temperature70 °C
HeatingHeat exchanger

The baskets to be cleaned are placed in one of the chambers of the cleaning system via a loading portal. A pump delivers water through nozzles into the chamber. Additional air nozzles ensure uniform quenching of the small components and the baskets. The baskets are transported from chamber to chamber by means of a loading portal. Rising vapors, such as salt vapors, are extracted via an evaporator to recover the quenching salt.